1. I am an optimist, 2. My cat, 3. a wedge of swans, 4. mist, 5. buoy, 6. Clothespins, 7. Lady with camera, 8. Rotkehlchen * Robin * Rödhake, 9. Mitza, 10. We Are All Made of Stars, 11. Only Jackasses beg for treats, 12. Untitled, 13. The trail..................., 14. Snow Angel(FP), 15. Blanche et pure, 16. L o V e, P e A c e, J O y, 17. ABC 123 RGB, 18. Dessous - Dessus..., 19. Keeping with the festive theme..., 20. Lamb, 21. .5144, 22. florida citrus, 23. Emma's Sweet Shoppe, 24. Untitled, 25. Untitled
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